Editable Grids for Sage CRM

Editable Grids add-on is a Sage CRM custom control that provides rich inline-editing capabilities of CRM data


Built through standard CRM metadata

Editable Grids are created and maintained using the Sage CRM customization interface and metadata thus allowing the user to easily create new grids and to add or remove columns through the standard lists customization interface.

Supported Entities

Editable Grids module works with standard and custom entities and can be added anywhere in the Sage CRM system, including administration areas (e.g. for editing Sage CRM user related data)

Available Fields

Dates, SSADV , checkboxes and in fact entire range of CRM field types are supported and can be used for the In-Cell editing operations.

*Calculation between columns and footer totals are also possible via the extended JavaScript API.

Fast Performance

Sage CRM records are loaded into the grid using Ajax requests which retreive data in JSON formats and this results in fast performance with large data sets.

Data Filtering and Sorting

Grid data can be filtered using standard/customizable Sage CRM search screens that are added to the page along with the grid. Sorting is done through list header columns.  

Quick Actions

Optional actions like Jump to summary page, add record to favorites or record deletion are added into the grid’s first column. 

Bulk Actions

Export or delete selected records in bulk 

Data Export 

List data can be exported to Excel format or added to existing or new Sage CRM groups 

Sage CRM Data Import 

Import data from Excel or CSV files into CRM via Editable Grids 

Easy to install

The Editble Grids add-on for Sage CRM is easy to install, it takes less than a minute and it does not require advanced developer skills. Help guide is available in Administration area and, to get you started, several Sage CRM components are available for quickly adding several editable grids for editing Cases, Opportunities and Leads.


Trial download and access to live demo available by request

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